The recent passing of Gloria Melges reminded Don Sanford of a film clip from Bill Mattison’s collection taken at the 1970 International Skeeter Association Regatta, which was sailed on Lake Mendota from February 27 to March 1. Don shared this clip which shows a happy day on the ice for the Melges family and other assorted characters. It also brought back memories because I was there to watch my dad, Dave Rosten, and Buddy Melges tie for first place in that event. Link to Video
For Midwest iceboaters, this was anything but a dream season. Light air, snow on new ice, flurries that drifted into mountains, bitter cold and rain showers all tested the iceboater’s determination to enjoy his “Thing.”
When the I.S.A. Championship was finally convened at Madison on February 27, it seemed as though the pain was to continue. The wind was non-existent and when it did come, it was light. As the regatta progressed throughout the three days, some of the races failed to make the time limit. Attempts were made to re-sail the abandoned races. But not all could be completed. Nevertheless, the competition was keen and some deserving champions were crowned.
Class E Skeeters line up to race at the 1976 Northwest Regatta on Lake Mendota in Madison, Wisconsin. Photo: Greg Whitehorse
Greg Whitehorse posted this on the 4LIYC Facebook page.
Mid-70’s Northwest Regatta on Lake Mendota.
You are looking at just one side of the starting line, so I’ll guess there are probably 28, maybe more, Class E* Skeeters in this race. M-54 is Gary Sternberg’s “So What,” but I think Vic Whitehorse is at the helm for this race. That would be Dave Nelson’s M-150, “Tuff Ship” lined up next. Racing in the Skeeter class with 30-40 boats on the line was a blast back in the day.
Between the late ’60s and early ’70s, I believe club members helped build ten or more Class E Skeeters in Dave Rosten’s basement. It wasn’t unusual to see Dave, Paul Krueger, Bill Mattison, Jack Ripp, the guy who the boat was being built for, and a host of others all helping out. It was an incredible time.
Skeeter Ice Boat Club’s Sparky Lundberg aced out Paul Krueger for the Class A Skeeter win that year. It may have been the first year for PK’s rear seater.
January 21, 1976, Wisconsin State Journal: Paul Krueger’s first rear-seat Class A Skeeter.
1976 NIYA Regatta Winners:
Class A: No entry
Class B: WINTER BELL, B. Herman
Class C: TWIN BEDS, Bill McCormick
Class D: RED WITCH, Dick Slates
Class E Skeeter: Sparky Lundberg
DN Class: Jane Pegel
DN Class Junior:Mike O’Brien
Renegade Class: Elmer Millenbach RENEGADE III
*The Reason Class A Skeeters are called Class E Skeeters in the Northwest Regatta
The International Skeeter Association designates bow-steering Skeeters Class A as “Single place yachts, or two-place tandem Whose mast, when measured along the mast, does not exceed 28’-6″ from the deck to top of mast, including all mast and deck hardware.” Class A Skeeters carry a maximum of 75 square feet of sail. However, when Class A Skeeters sail in the Northwest regatta, they are listed as “Class E.” (When I was a kid, I thought the E stood for “Experimental.”)
Class A Skeeters turn into Class E because there was already a Class A, B, C, and D in the Northwest, and those designations applied to Stern-Steerers. Skeeters got the left-over E. It reminds us that the Northwest regatta is a Stern-Steerer regatta, organized in 1913 by ice yacht clubs, which only sailed Stern-Steerers at the time. 1936 marks the year that the Northwest recognized Skeeters as an ice yacht class.
The boats and history of our southern friends at the Skeeter Iceboat Club are featured in the winter 2021 issue of At The Lake -Geneva Lakes Area Magazine. Check it out here.Tip of the Helmet: Jane & Susie Pegel