Here’s a fascinating vintage photo shared from Mike Peter’s collection, which will be part of our presentation at the Wisconsin Maritime Museum on January 2. This early 20th-century image captures stern steerers racing on Lake Winnebago and shows a very different approach to racecourse marks.
In the photo, you’ll notice the mark (aka buoy) in use—a tall wooden pole mounted on a platform, with a flag waving from the top and a wooden barrel suspended below. This setup starkly contrasts the lightweight, triangular fluorescent fabric marks we use today. It’s hard not to imagine the chaos (and potential splinters!) if one of those massive stern steerers collided with such a substantial obstacle.
This photo likely predates the introduction of bow-steering boats, offering a window into a bygone era of ice sailing. It’s a reminder of how much the sport has evolved.
We’ve had several requests for the special Skeeter Vodka cocktail recipe featured at our event with the Wisconsin Maritime Museum. I’m working on getting that recipe so everyone can mix up their Skeeter cocktail and join us from home via Zoom. Stay tuned—I’ll share it soon so you can toast along with us!
In the annals of what-great-timing, iceboat sail maker (retired) and iceboating historian Henry Bossett recently sent this clipping about a model building contest in the 1930s Oshkosh, WI area. I forwarded the clipping to Lake Winnebago ice sailor Mike Peters. He replied, “I picked up another of the original model stern steers that were built in Oshkosh in the 1930s
UPDATE SEPTEMBER 7, 2020: Mike Butler corrects the record:“Just a couple of corrections. The boats name is really the Ace of Spade. Not sure why that was. It was not built for my dad. Connie Korsmo built it for my great uncle Ray Butler who worked with Connie at Madison Kipp. This would have been around 1935. Ray gave it to my dad after the war.
He built the new hull, that Mike has now, in the 50’s after he boom jibed the boat and damaged the hull. The attached photos are of the original hull. I still have the blueprint of that boat. Jack Ripp took the photos. Jack took a lot of photos over the years and I got together with Jack and dad shortly before he died. Spent an afternoon going over lots of Jack’s pictures. Hopefully someone still has them.”
Peter Fauerbach noted that Connie Korsma was the chief engineer at Madison Kipp Corporation. “The Kipp” as it’s often called here produces machined die castings and has been in operation since 1898.
Here’s another beautiful iceboat model from Mike Butler up in Oshkosh, WI of his dad Dave’s C Class Stern-Steerer ACE OF SPADES. When Jerry Simon asked the late Jack Ripp about the boat’s lineage, Jack told him Connie Korsmo, who worked at Madison Kipp, built 2 Hudson River style C Class Stern-Steerers, one for himself and the other for Dave’s uncle, Ray Butler, Sometime later, Dave added a new cockpit backbone, likely for comfort. Dave Butler was a life long 4LIYC member who served as a officer and was inducted into the 4LIYC Honor roll in 2012.
And the ACE OF SPADES? Just look for the bright orange/red stern-steerer at any regatta. She’s currently owned by Mike Peters.
ACE OF SPADES, Mike Peter’s C Class Stern Steerer at the 2019 Northwest on Lake Pepin. Photo: Pat Heppert
Bill Mattison’s HONEYBUCKET Class A Skeeter created by Kyle Metzloff
Previous: Model B
As our summer starts winding down, it’s time to start thinking more about the upcoming season. To help get you in the mood, take a look at some more iceboat models including a special one from the modern era, Bill Mattison’s HONEYBUCKET Class A Skeeter which was created by 4LIYC DNer and noted modeler Kyle Metzloff. Stern-steerer/Nite class sailor Mike Peters shares his collection along with some photos of other models he received from a friend.
Mike Peters found this model in Two Rivers .
Mike Derusha built new sails for the boat and Mike Peters finished the rigging.
An original 1930’s Oshkosh pond iceboat built by Al Bartels who owned the A stern steerer PHILLIP B.
Life’s slower pace has motivated me to finally tackle a big project – converting the many ice sailing DVDs that have been given to me into a format suited for the internet. Here’s one of the first, an interview with the late “Nubs” Salzsieder, Mike Peters, and Andy Gratton (and Andy’s young daughter) on Lake Winnebago. Andy bought the WISCONSIN from someone in Lake Mills, WI in 1994 which helps to date the video.