The Wisconsin Stern Steerers Association regatta begins today on Lake Noquebay in Crivitz, WI. Our good friend, iceboat photographer Gretchen Dorian is on-site and she has already shared photos from Friday’s setup day. Please take a look at her Friday gallery here:
ISA & Renegade Championship Results
The final day of the ISA Regatta was a challenging one, with foggy, overcast, and damp conditions that limited visibility in the morning. Fortunately, the wind was steady enough for racing, though the Race Committee postponed the start in hopes of weather improvement.
The B Skeeters decided to conclude their regatta early, holding their trophy ceremony on the ice before heading back to Lake Geneva. The A Skeeters also opted not to race, celebrating their champions with a trophy presentation on the ice. Meanwhile, the Renegades and Nite fleets stayed out later in the morning and managed to get in some solid racing before calling it a day.
By the afternoon, all participants gathered at the Water’s Edge Restaurant to warm up with hot chili and hold the regatta’s final trophy ceremony.
A special thanks to everyone who made this regatta possible: Ann Foeller, working remotely from Toledo, Ohio, for tabulating results for both the ISA and DN Western Region Championship; Julie Jankowski and Fred Stritt, for monitoring the weather mark on both courses; John Dennis, the ISA Regatta Chair, for organizing a successful event; and Pat Heppert for keeping the schedule on track. We’re also grateful to veteran photographer Gretchen Dorian for her coverage. Although she couldn’t make it to the ISA course, you can spot the Skeeters in the background of her always amazing DN photos. And finally, our heartfelt thanks to the people of Starbuck, Minnesota, for their always warm welcome and to the Water’s Edge Restaurant for graciously putting up with us throughout the event
Nite Class Champions: From left Mike Jankowski 4th, Kyle Navin 3rd, Dave Navin 2nd, and Chris Wiberg 1st
Renegade Champions: From left 3rd Skip Dieball, 4th Mike Maloney, 2nd Andy Gratton. Not pictured, Mike Derusha 1st.
Daniel Hearn, winner of the first Renegade Race.
DN Western Region Silver fleet top 5: From left, Maggie McGary US2453 5th, Ben Garber US5667 3rd, Alexander Leach US244 2nd, and 4LIYC DNer Dale Gordon US5696 1st. Not pictured Bill Eklund US5432 4th
2024 DN Western Region Gold fleet top 5: From left, Mike Bloom US321 3rd, Jeff Roseberry US5687 4th, Bill Cutting US5430 5th, 4LIYC Skeeter and DN sailor Steve Orlebeke US4926, 2nd, and Chris Berger US5166 1st.
Ice Riders on the Chesapeake Bay by Charles Wysocki
Here’s a collection of various photos that have been previously posted to celebrate the July 4th holiday. It’s a perfect opportunity to remember that two of the founders, Ben Franklin and John Adams, were acquainted with ice sailing. Ben even ordered a set of plans! But one ride in the Netherlands was quite enough for John Adams. He wrote to a friend, that iceboating “as again endangered my Health and my Life.” Enjoy the holiday – it’s getting darker earlier every day. When Ben Franklin Ordered Iceboat Plans Ben Franklin’s Iceboat Drawings
JD’s EAGLE, Class A Skeeter. Photo: Gretchen Dorian
Shown here from left to right doing their best to make the ordinary extraordinary are: Don Ermer, Don Sanford, Steve Arnold, Lady Liberty, Ty Reed and Ken Kreider. Ty Reed and Ken Krieder.
It’s time to kick off the long weekend to celebrate the 4th of July with two of the most patriotic iceboats in America. Hoping we can photograph these two boats together somewhere during the 2023 season. Happy 4th of July!
JD and his Class A Skeeter on Lake Michigan at Menominee, Michigan in March 2021.
Folks in the Michigan and Ohio area will want to put this on your calendars. Gretchen Dorian’s ice sailing photos will be on exhibition at the The Ford House in Grosse Point Shores near Detroit, Michigan November through March 2022. Make a reservation for the November 21, 2021 opening reception on their website. More information.
Join us for an opening reception and view our latest exhibition, Sailing on Ice, featuring ice boat photography by Gretchen Dorian.
The reception is free and open to the public, but space is limited to allow social distancing, and registration is required. The exhibition is in the Teague Gallery inside our new Visitor Center and runs through March 20, 2022.
Ford House requires masks inside all of our buildings, regardless of vaccination status.
About the Artist
Gretchen photographs iceboat racing competitions around the world. Gretchen lives and works in northern Michigan. She grew up sailing on Lake St. Clair. Her photographs have been published in Wooden Boat Journal, ESPN Magazine, SAIL, Sailing World, Lakeland Boating, BOAT US, Great Lakes Scuttlebutt, Michigan BLUE and Outside Bozeman Magazine. Online publications include the Wall Street Journal, TRAVERSE Magazine, Sailing Scuttlebutt, Sailing Anarchy, HARKEN and Seahorse of the UK.