4LIYC Racing Report from Saturday, Jan 18, 2025

Via Ken Whitehorse M197 Facebook post:

What an incredible day of racing! High winds high speeds! Monster thanks to Daniel Hearn and Don Anderson. Many iceboat clubs and and boat divisions fronted up! Great to see the German DN racers, Anja and Holger! Thanks to all the iceboat pilots that helped pronouns M165 and M197 getting us on and off the ice!

4LIYC Scoring
4LIYC Renegader Damien Luyet has graciously volunteered to take on the role of club scorer. Let’s take a moment to remember Tim McCormick, who managed the club scoring for many years with dedication. Tim’s contributions to the club were invaluable, and we deeply feel his absence. We are grateful to Damien for stepping into this role and continuing the tradition of maintaining our race results. Scores from recent races should be posted soon—stay tuned!

4LIYC Skeeters: Pics of the Week

Ken Whitehorse in WARRIOR on Lake Monona January 22, 2022. Photo by Sean R. Heavey

The Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club Class A Skeeter fleet had a perfect sailing day on Saturday before the snow fell. Our club racing season is on hold until the big Zamboni in the sky comes through for us. Photos by Sean R. Heavey.

Paul Krueger in RAMBLN XII on Lake Monona, Saturday, January 22, 2022. Photo by Sean R. Heavey.


Lake Pepin’s Latest Skeeter

Ed Newcomb thinks ice!

Ken Whitehorse’s Class A rear-seater Skeeter WARRIOR headed off into the Wisconsin sunset on Friday on Lake Pepin iceboater Ed Newcomb’s Skeeter trailer. Ed is looking forward to sailing WARRIOR and is keeping the livery because “all Pepin boats are red.”

Previous: West Coast Doubles Skeeter Fleet
The Rear Seat Skeeter Era
Important News for Class A Skeeter Owners


Wisconsin Skeeter Association Awards

The top 3 finishers in the Wisconsin Skeeter Association belatedly held their 2020 spring awards banquet this week at the KW Skeeter Shop. Ken Whitehorse won the Bottle Trophy, Tom Hyslop was second, and Paul Krueger third. They also took the opportunity make a final check of the rear-seat Skeeter which is heading west tomorrow with Ed Newcomb.

Previous: West Coast Doubles Skeeter Fleet
The Rear Seat Skeeter Era
Important News for Class A Skeeter Owners

Ken, Tom, and PK.
If you’ve ever wondered how a sail made for a 24′ rig looks on a 26′ rig. (No worries, Ed – that sail won’t be in the quiver!)

West Coast Doubles Skeeter Fleet

The webmaster pretends to square up a plank.

The news from Lake Pepin on Wisconsin’s west coast is that it only took 3 hours for Ed Newcomb to decide to buy the rear-seat Class A Skeeter from Ken Whitehorse. WARRIOR III will join WARRIOR II, another rear-seat Class A Skeeter that Ed bought from Ken several years ago. We’ll be scanning the horizon for these fast Class A Skeeters the next time we sail on Pepin.

Speaking of the Buy & Sell page, by popular demand, there’s a new feature. When you confirm your boat or component as sold, your ad will be moved under the SOLD heading (with your contact information deleted) below the Wanted column. 

The Rear Seat Skeeter Era
Important News for Class A Skeeter Owners