Jay Yaeso hikes in his Class A Skeeter iceboat on Lake Winnebago. Photo by Gretchen Dorian. gretchendorian.com
Notice from the International Skeeter Association Executive Committee.
ISA Page
November 12, 2020The ISA Executive Committee and International Race Committee met on November 11, 2020 to discuss the status of the 2021 ISA Championship Regatta currently scheduled for the second weekend of January 2021.
After careful consideration of the possible impacts of gathering our members from across the nation to meet in either the Western or Eastern Regions of the ISA, our consensus was to cancel the 2021 Regatta.
We feel that local club sailing will be possible with safety protocols in place for face covering, separation and only outdoor activity.
We encourage everyone to get out and sail locally. Mark your calendars for the 2022 ISA on the second weekend in January 2022.
See you on the ice.
Don Sanford, President
Nite 384
Steve Schalk, Secretary/Treasurer