What an incredible day of racing! High winds high speeds! Monster thanks to Daniel Hearn and Don Anderson. Many iceboat clubs and and boat divisions fronted up! Great to see the German DN racers, Anja and Holger! Thanks to all the iceboat pilots that helped pronouns M165 and M197 getting us on and off the ice!
4LIYC Scoring
4LIYC Renegader Damien Luyet has graciously volunteered to take on the role of club scorer. Let’s take a moment to remember Tim McCormick, who managed the club scoring for many years with dedication. Tim’s contributions to the club were invaluable, and we deeply feel his absence. We are grateful to Damien for stepping into this role and continuing the tradition of maintaining our race results. Scores from recent races should be posted soon—stay tuned!
If you drop in on the Current Champions Fast Iceboat Shop, best to be prepared for anything, as Menekaunee Iceboat Club member Mike Derusha discovered yesterday.
Ken Whitehorse shares, “It was a momentous day at the Current Champions Iceboat shop. Our Renegade Champ Mike lent a hand with repairs on the DN Western Region ATV and equipment trailer, then loaded up 100 feet of Sitka Spruce, and finally, joined forces with Skeeter Champ Ken to construct a wigwam.”
Speaking of wigwams, I’m going to take the opportunity to plug what’s been keeping me from posting here as much as I’d like —helping to organize the first Harry Whitehorse International Wood Sculpture Festival, which will take place June 14 – 22 at San Damiano on Lake Monona. During the week-long festival, twelve artists from around the world will create wooden sculptures. Ken and Mike began constructing an educational longhouse frame that will serve as an exhibit space for Ho-Chunk cultural demonstrators and a wooden canoe. Hope to see you there!
Last night, the Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club gathered for its final season meeting at the Four Lakes Yacht Club. The event was memorable, with Lars Barber in charge of pizza pick-up, Daniel Hearn bringing the essential bottle of Irish whiskey, and Ken Whitehorse hauling in the historic Northwest pots and pans. We honored our Northwest champions and paid tribute to the legacy of Tim McCormick while also remembering other departed members. The gathering brought together familiar faces, including those from Green Lake and Oshkosh, adding to the camaraderie. Ken Whitehorse showcased the Northwest Skeeter Trophy and the Northwest Free For All Trophy, awarded at the first Northwest regatta in 1913.
Despite the shortness of this sailing season, we are always optimistic and are already laying the groundwork for an exceptional season ahead. The club is gearing up to host the Southern Wisconsin Iceboat Swap Meet next fall and brainstorming ways to make it an unmissable event. Video link to Ice Sailors Irish Blessing.
Maureen Bohleber & Bob Cummins
Ken Whitehorse shared this photo of Paul Krueger when he won the Northwest Skeeter trophy in 1979,
Dear Northwestern Ice Yachting Association Member Clubs,
I started racing skeeters in 1970. In 1977 at the age of 26, I was very fortunate to win the Northwest Championship. In 2024 I again was fortunate to win the Northwest championship. Well..that’s almost back to back victories! If you factor out 47 years! TODAY as in the past the Northwest Regatta has the world’s best Regatta Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, Steve Schalk. We have the world’s best race committee. We have the world’s best volunteer support group. Additionally we have the world’s best boat builders and sail makers. Finally, and of least importance, as in the past, the Northwest has the world’s best ice boat sailors. We all are truly blessed to participate in iceboat racing! Goodness withstands the test of time.
Ken WhiteHorse M197
It took half the race committee to move the trailer at the DN North Americans.
During the recent Northwest regatta and 2024 DN North American Championship on Lake Waconia in Waconia, MN, attendees who had the task of maneuvering the DN Western Region ATV trailer on the ice might have felt like they were steering the Titanic due to its hefty tongue weight. However, despite its weight, the trailer was a dream to tow and allowed me to improve my trailer-backing skills. Nevertheless, the necessity for maneuverability on the ice outweighed the benefits of towing ease, prompting a visit to the Current Fast Champions Ice Boat Shop (formerly known as the Past Champions Ice Boat Shop) for further customization and weight reduction.
CFCIBS Wrench-Turner Ken Whitehorse reports:
The tongue weight on DN Western Region trailer was 400 lbs ! That’s like throwing a 55 gal drum of water in the back of you car! Yikes! Hope you DN racers don’t need this next week! The Current Champs Shop is kinda busy swapping out old used air for new air in trailers tires this month!
Tale of the scale.
The Current Fast Champions crew found their runner-sharpening halted by an open-wheel midget racing car that had rolled into the shop.
Luckily, they were able to access the big machine.