First! Converges with GLIYC Swap Meet

Kai Linde, the first iceboating sailing in the world in Sweden and Dash’s first iceboat trailer rescue.

Ice sailors from Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa, and New York gathered at the Wisconsin Iceboat Swap Meet in Green Lake, WI, on Sunday, October 22, 2023. Meanwhile, 4,000 miles away in Sweden, Norwegian DN sailor Kai Linde had the 2023-2024 season’s first iceboat ride in the world. Who will be first in North America? New York DNer Paul Chamberland, who came for the Swap Meet, will try for that milestone when he visits family in Alberta, Canada, in a few weeks. Paul is optimistic about the upcoming week of ice-making temperatures and hopes to find some sailable ice.

The Green Lake Ice Yacht Club delivered perfect fall weather for the event and organized the raffle, a tradition started by the Skeeter Iceboat Club’s Jane Pegel.

Of course, this being iceboating, a trailer situation presented some problem-solving opportunities right off the bat for new DN Junior Sailing Secretary Sam Bartel. Speaking of Jane Pegel, she generously donated her trailer to the DN Junior program a few years ago. Sam collected the trailer from Madison on Saturday night, but unfortunately, the axle broke on his way to Green Lake near Beaver Dam. As we know, trailers can always be unpredictable. Daniel Hearn, Dale Gordon, Dash, and I swung by Don Anderson’s to borrow a flatbed trailer and rescued the DN trailer on the way home from the Swap Meet with an assist from trailer specialist DNer Matt Meyer.

Thanks to the Green Lake Ice Yacht Club for a fantastic Swap Meet with perfect conditions.

2023 Annual Wisconsin Iceboat Swap Meet Hosted by the Green Lake Ice Yacht Club

Wisconsin Iceboat Swap Meet – Hosted by the Green Lake Ice Yacht Club, Green Lake, WI
Date: Sunday, October 22, 2023
Time: 9 AM – Noon
Location: Town Square Community Center, 492 Hill St., Green Lake, WI
Map Link:

The Wisconsin Iceboat Swap Meet is the perfect place to check out iceboats and components for sale. The Iceboat Swap Meet is a chance to meet and learn from experienced iceboaters who are more than willing to share their insights into the sport.

The Green Lake Ice Yacht Club is hosting this year’s meet and will start with a party on Saturday night for early arrivers and club members.
Questions? Contact Joe Norton

Social gathering from 4:00 – 7:00 at Bierman’s Boat Palace
W3360 Orchard Ave, Green Lake, WI.
The Green Lake Ice Yacht Club members will provide appetizers. Please bring your own beverage of choice and a chair. Weather permitting, we’ll share ice boat stories around the fire pit. Questions? Contact Debbie Bierman

Water Street will be blocked off so that long trailers are easy to park.
Vendors and sellers use the Mill Pond Terrace lot.
Town Square Tap will be open for breakfast and beverages.
The GLIYC will continue with Jane Pegel’s classic raffle tradition. Bring your raffle items.

Green Lake Inn – W1970 S Lawson Dr 920-294-3417
Heidel House – 653 Illinois Ave 920-807-0300
Green Lake Suites – 488 South St 920-393-9944
Bayview Motel – 439 Lake St 920-294-6504

Save the Swap Meet Date: Oct 22, 2023 @ Green Lake, WI

Ron Sherry inspects the Class A Skeeter LOST KAUS at last year’s swap meet at the Delavan Yacht Club in Delavan, WI.

2023 Annual Wisconsin Swap Meet Hosted by the Green Lake Ice Yacht Club

Date: Sunday, October 22, 2023
Time: 9 AM – Noon
Location: Town Square, Green Lake, WI

Our Green Lake Ice Yacht Club friends are preparing for their turn at the yearly iceboat swap meet. This event was initially established by Bob and Jane Pegel of the Skeeter Iceboat Club and was held in Williams Bay, WI for many years. Nowadays, the swap meet rotates between the Skeeter Iceboat Club, Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club, and Green Lake Ice Yacht Club.
Stay tuned for more details!

2021 Nite Nationals

2021 Nite Nationals on Green Lake: Photo: Koepnick Photography

Nite Nationals Results

The Nite Class held their 2021 Nationals last weekend, March 6-7, on Green Lake in Wisconsin. Saturday’s lack of wind made for a day spent visiting and weighing boats. The wind arrived on Sunday and they completed ten races total, five in each fleet. Photographer Jim Koepnick captured the action and posted it in his website.

The 4LIYC Renegade fleet visited for some of their own sailing and regatta viewing: Jeff Russell, Damien Luyet, Don Anderson, and Jim LaFortune

From the Nite Facebook Page:

For all the marbles, the Gold fleet took to the 14″ thick ice on Green Lake, WI for the 2021 Nite National Championship. Conditions caused 0 races on day 1 due to no wind and warm temps. Day 2 forced an early start to get 5 races in with winds 8-13mph. The ice started off hard and slowly softened by 1pm. Chad Rechcygl and Mike Jankowski each sailed away with 2 race wins along with 11x champion Tom Sweitzer flying in from the right side of the course at the finish line to win race 5 and to solidify him as the G.O.A.T. (greatest of all time). Chad grabs his 2nd championship in a row. Mike Jankowski takes 2nd and Top Master. 4 days later with 60 degree temps and high winds, the ice is now gone and the lake is ready for summer sailing. Wow that was close!
Dick Grota once again takes home the Charlie Miller Trophy for 1st place Silver fleet at the 2021 Nite National Championship on Green Lake, WI followed closely behind by Don Sanford. John Mason closed off the day with his 1st race taking 3rd overall.