Christmas Eve Reflections
Erin Bury took advantage of glass ice in this unusual video perspective. On Christmas eve, she and Alex Peterson sailed DNs on Lake Minnetonka in Minnesota. Watch closely!
Erin Bury took advantage of glass ice in this unusual video perspective. On Christmas eve, she and Alex Peterson sailed DNs on Lake Minnetonka in Minnesota. Watch closely!
Get a close look and listen as Steve Orlebeke V500 and John Dennis U194 sail past Alex Peterson who shared this on Facebook. They were competing in the Wisconsin Skeeter Association Championship sailed on Lake Michigan at Menominee, Michigan, March 5-7, 2021. Alex and Rob Evans, both from Minnesota, are partners in the Class A Skeeter MERLIN. Rob sailed the DN Western Region regatta while Alex sailed the Skeeter. Stand by for more photos and a report from Ken Whitehorse about the 3 day event.
Minnesota sailors Rob Evans (standing) and Alex Peterson picked up Jim Gluek’s MERLIN Class A Skeeter from Wisconsin yesterday. Welcome to the fleet!