Here’s a novel way to keep your knowledge of iceboating rules sharp through a board game invented by Michael Young of the Chickawaukee Ice Yacht in Maine. Michael created the game as a birthday gift for a fellow ice and land sailing friend. He collaborated with fellow boaters Jeff Roseberry and Jim Turner and used some of their ideas leading to the birth of the first-ever iceboating board game.

The board is a 3 mm printed plastic sign-board, the game pieces are bronze filament 3D-printed DNs, and the Action Cards are business-card-stock with Pemetic Ice Yacht Club printed on the backs which pay homage to the now-defunct club on Mount Desert Island, Maine.

Via Michael:
The rules are simple. All ice boating rules apply. Landing on the Black Ice (dark blue band around the board) doubles the Action Card, good or bad. Roll the dice, move in straight lines only, then draw an Action Card and follow the instructions. Some Action Cards are beneficial, some not, and others are just for a laugh. A one-lap race is enough, but players can decide at race time. A blank Action Card is included so local conditions/rules can be used or added.

The winner must fully cross the finish line after the roll and draw card to win. Sorry, no trophies for winners included, bragging rights only!
To keep costs reasonable game includes

  • 1 Game Board 24″ x 24″ (folds to 12″ x 24″)
  • Action Card Sheets (need to be detached)
  • Die
  • Iceboating Right of Way Rules
  • Game Rules
  • Eight numbered game piece DNs.

UPDATE June 24: Via Michael: Cost is $90 which includes shipping and handling in the US, Canadian orders will be $60 per game with shipping and handling priced at what it costs to do. All checks will be in US dollars so as not to deal with exchange rates.
Contact Michael  to order or for more information at michaelyoungswh @