“My work here is done…”
One week ago today, the high temperature was -2F. Contrast that to yesterday’s high of 55F. That’s almost a 60-degree swing in the Zamboni direction. Ice sailors have been taking advantage of the thaw on Pewaukee and Delavan this week.
4LIYC members will check Mendota, Monona, and Kegonsa today to learn what we have. A concern for us is the thickness and drain holes. We will report back tonight with more information.
Other Possibilities:
Via the Nite Facebook Page:
“Pewaukee is shaping up with a freeze predicted Friday night/Sat Morning. The PIYC is planning a 10am start Saturday and possibly Sunday. 4lakes, Green Lake, etc… all are welcome to get your 1st laps in of the season! Launch at Gina’s Sports Dock. Do not drive your car on. Walk trailers on and park across the road.”
Via the Puckaway Ice Sailing Squadron Facebook Page:
“We are calling on a NEW YEARS Regatta for Sunday. For lack of a better name and with consultation with Donny we are going to call it the Grand Slam for January 1st. The final call will be Saturday afternoon.”