Mike Ripp and JACK’S FROST on Green Lake in Wisconsin. Photo: Jim Stevenson
Light air and sticky, granular ice were the keywords of Saturday. Patience paid off for the Renegades, and they were able to sail two races. In the first race, light air specialists Greg McCormick, Tim McCormick, and Jim Gluek arrived at the leeward finishing line simultaneously for an exciting finish where Greg inched out the other two. Winds dropped during the second race, and just three sailors, race winner Jim Gluek, Greg McCormick, and Daniel Hearn, were able to make the time limit. The Nite fleet gave it their best try, but the light air brought out the black flag.
Pilot Jim Stevenson flew up for a look at the regatta and shared these photos with us. Thank you, Jim!
Boats should have no trouble getting around the course in today’s winds, forecasted to be 10-15 mph with possible gusts to 30mph.