What an incredible day of racing! High winds high speeds! Monster thanks to Daniel Hearn and Don Anderson. Many iceboat clubs and and boat divisions fronted up! Great to see the German DN racers, Anja and Holger! Thanks to all the iceboat pilots that helped pronouns M165 and M197 getting us on and off the ice!
4LIYC Scoring
4LIYC Renegader Damien Luyet has graciously volunteered to take on the role of club scorer. Let’s take a moment to remember Tim McCormick, who managed the club scoring for many years with dedication. Tim’s contributions to the club were invaluable, and we deeply feel his absence. We are grateful to Damien for stepping into this role and continuing the tradition of maintaining our race results. Scores from recent races should be posted soon—stay tuned!
Left to right; Ken Whitehorse, Kyle Koch, Greg Whitehorse, Paul Krueger.
Yesterday’s fine weather provided the perfect opportunity to set up Paul Krueger’s rear-seat Class A Skeeter in the Past Championships Iceboat Shop parking lot. Kenny and Paul hoisted four sails before finding the 26ft sail that fit the 26ft mast. On Facebook, Ken wrote, “It occurred to us that maybe we should mark the dimensions because we sure can’t remember anymore.”
The Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club bi-weekly iceboat meetings are kicking off tomorrow night, November 10, 2021, at 6:30 PM on Zoom. Members who are current in dues should have received an email with the login information. Would you please let me know if you didn’t get the email?
Paul Krueger’s Class A Skeeter RAMBL’N is sporting a new coat of paint today in the traditional colors of the 4LIYC, red and white. Paul’s daughter asked Ken Whitehorse if all the recent modifications on PK’s boat would make him go “too fast”. Ken told her not to worry, he went for the pretty paint job instead of the fast one. Paul said, “We waited for a west wind so there were no complaints from the neighbor on over spray”. [Hey, there’s only one neighbor, iceboat.org headquarters!- Ed.]