Skeeter Iceboat Club Bestows Honors

Skeeter Iceboat Club Lifetime Member, Mary Jane Schalk

Via Skeeter Iceboat Club member Susie Pegel:

On November 12, at the annual fall meeting of the Skeeter Ice Boat Club, four individuals were honored for their support of the sport of iceboating: Bestowed Life Membership included Fritz Button who races a self-built B Division Skeeter; B Skeeter skipper Bob Mereness whose father was a Life Member and a founding member of the SIBC; and Lou Loenneke who began iceboating when a youngster and eventually won Skeeter and DN championships. Mary Jane Schalk was granted Honorary Membership. When help is needed, she is the first to step forward to do scoring, service the chow line. or hold the end of the tape measure.

Spaight St. Syndicate: The Old Man and the C

Previously at the Spaight St. Syndicate
A wise visitor from the south, Skeeter Iceboat Club’s Lou Lonnecke, pays a visit to the Spaight St. Syndicate. Daniel Hearn reports:

The Old Man and the C

If they had ice in Cuba, I’m certain Earnest Hemingway would have been an ice sailor. Last Sunday I was the (not-so)-young apprentice “Mandolin,” learning from the Grand Master Lou, “Santiago” Loenneke. One of the realities of ice sailing is that you can be an old man yourself, but still the youngest guy in the room. We may be gray, but we know how to play!

Hemingway’s last major work, the novel tells the story of a battle between an aging, experienced fisherman, Santiago, and a massive marlin. Mandolin has great admiration for Santiago, but Santiago is on a bit of an unlucky streak. Kind of like getting tossed at the leeward mark on Lake Pepin last winter, but I’m not mentioning any names. Santiago eventually hooks the big one and battles the fish for three days until he is worn out and nearly delirious. That’s exactly the way Lou felt when he left the Syndicate on Sunday after battling with the top deck of my prized Madison marlin. She didn’t lay down easy, but in the end the old salt showed her who was boss. OSHA would frown upon the flattening method, but she complied, nonetheless, with 155 lbs. of movable “encouragement.”

Someday I hope my work will land in the hands of an adoring fan, who will find the creator’s signature hidden away inside a bulkhead.

Western Region Wrap Up

DN Western Region Commodore and regatta organizer Daniel Hearn with Eloise and her dad, John Dennis who was second in Gold. JD statistically tied in points with Ron Sherry for first place but Ron won the tiebreak. 

Time to review the DN Western Region Championship from a 4LIYC perspective. Congratulations to mega multi-tasker Daniel Hearn who not only organized the regatta and volunteers, he also managed to place 5th in the Gold Cup. Fellow 4LIYC sailors in the Gold were Steve Orlebeke, 3rd, Tim Sugar who placed 7th and Dave Elsmo who placed 11th,
Silver Fleet: Brian Hearn mirrored his brother’s finish by coming in 5th in the Silver, Robert Cummins was 9th, and University of Wisconsin student Soren Hughes earned top Junior sailor and placed 12th in his first regatta.
Special shout out to longtime SIBC sailor, Lou Loennecke, who had two second place finishes in Silver. It was really cool to see sailors who have been participating in these events for so many years like Bob Cummins and Lou Loennecke  line up next to each other in the two and four block in Silver race 4.
Final results can be seen here.

Pegel Slide Collection: Classic DNs

690: L. Wohrle, 445 Bob Cave, 378 Eric Sternkoff, 294 Lou Lonnecke

Today’s subject is DN iceboats from the late 1950s to early 1960s. This class has changed with the times and allows for more modern materials such as carbon fiber in the masts.
Bob Cave and Lou Lonnecke, pictured above, remain active racers in the DN class.
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