Newsletter From the Hudson River Ice Yacht Club

Racing trophies that are still cherished by iceboat builder Samuel Rogers’ family. Photo from White Wings & Black Ice

Here is the latest Hudson River Ice Yacht Club newsletter for those who enjoy following the stories of the original historic stern steerers that sailed the Hudson River many years ago. One highlight from the newsletter is a report about the recent exhibit at the FDR Museum and Library in Hyde Park, which showcased the legacy of an iceboat builder and racer, Samuel R. Rogers.

If you’d like to learn more about Samuel R. Rogers and the history of Hudson River ice yachts, visit Brian Reid’s incredible website White Wings and Black Ice.  Check out the full Hudson River Ice Yacht Club newsletter or more stories and updates.

Ice Yachts Return to the FDR Museum & Library

Hudson River Stern Steerer ALLONS will be on display at the FDR Library. Photo Courtesy of White Wings & Black Ice

Hey East Coasters! Looking for something unique to do this holiday season? Don’t miss the chance to see three historic Hyde Park ice yachts on display at the Wallace Center at the FDR Presidential Library and Home.
Where: FDR Library & Museum
4079 Albany Post Road
Hyde Park, NY 12538
Monday, December 23, 2024
Friday, January 3, 2025 (A benefit from 4 PM – 6 PM)
Sunday, January 5, 2025

Via Bob Wills President Hudson River Ice Yacht Preservation Trust



Upon hearing that the Budget Crisis had been resolved without a Government Shutdown, we sprung into action. An emergency crew of Hudson River Ice Yacht Club (and Trust) members, ten in total with many more on standby, made the rounds to the barns where ALLONS, HOUND, and COMET were stored, loaded them onto our trucks, transported them to the Henry A. Wallace Center at the FDR Presidential Library and Home, and assembled and rigged them. Final touches will be completed today.

We hope to see you there between Monday, December 23, 2024 and January 5, 2025. And please add to your calendars our fantastic Benefit, “SOIREE AMONGST THE ICE YACHTS”, Friday, January 3, from 4:00 to 6:00 pm.

We have much to be thankful for during this Holiday Season, and extending our best wishes to you!


FDR Presidential Library Historic Stern-Steerer Display Dec 21 – Jan 7

“John A. Roosevelt at the tiller of Kriss (not Vixen) on the Hudson, 1902” Photo & caption courtesy of White Wings and Black Ice

If you are a fan of the classic Hudson River stern-steerers, this exhibit is worth a visit. Via the Hudson River Ice Yacht Preservation Trust and Brian Reid’s White Wings and Black Ice

The Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum to host a display of authentic Hudson Valley Ice Yachts
December 21, 2023 through January 7, 2024
Henry A. Wallace Center at the FDR Presidential Library and Home
Ice yachts on display will include KRISS, built for FDR’s uncle John Aspinwall Roosevelt, CYCLONE, built for Herman Livingston Rogers, son of the Roosevelt’s Hyde Park neighbor Archibald Rogers, and 999, built for the owners of the J. G. Bodenstein Ice Tool Company in Staatsburgh, New York in the 1870s.

The display is presented by the Hudson River Ice Yacht Preservation Trust and Hudson River Ice Yacht Club. The boats can be seen — with full rigging — in the Henry A. Wallace Center at the FDR Presidential Library and Home, during regular operating hours (9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.), with free admission. The facilities are closed on Christmas and New Years Day.

“I’ll Tell Ya About Iceboating Around Here”

In his internet travels, Henry Bossett came across a library site of oral histories from Liverpool, New York. The interviews with Ken Wentworth prompted Henry (a now retired North Sails New Jersey sail maker) to recall an old boat builder “who would come in to show me his hand-designed and built model boats… I asked him about the North Shrewsbury Ice Yacht Club… He replied with a story of how he used to hang out there as a kid and listen to the “Captains” sitting around their potbelly stove, spinning yarns of days gone by, and impressing him with wild tales. Anyway, this guy obviously knows how to spin a tale also, but he does have direct knowledge of some interesting iceboat history.”
Each video runs about 3 minutes and are an entertaining listen.

White Wings and Black Ice: ICICLE Archives

…An ‘increasingly fickle sport’

Ice boats, ‘faster than any motorcycle,’ are part of Hudson history
Robert Wills Vice Commodore of the Hudson River Ice Yacht Club tells the story of ice yachting, an ‘increasingly fickle sport’
PUBLISHED JAN 13, 2018 AT 12:28 PM (UPDATED JAN 10, 2018)

But ice yachting wasn’t always a sport. Wills explained that there were iceboats in the region as far back as the earliest Dutch settlements. Those boats were utilitarian vessels for moving goods in the winter. One early record of ice boats dates back to the Revolutionary War and involves a plan to blow up British ships on Lake Champlain. There’s also an 1812 record of using an iceboat to deliver people and sheep from Athens to Albany.

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