Or should we say it in Finnish, Ensimmäinen! Via Swedish DNer Dideric Van Riemsdijk, here’s a look at the first runners on the ice at the first regatta of the season, DN Finland’s Week 46. They are just above the Arctic Circle at Onkamojärvi, Finland. Who will be the FIRST in North America?
The Fat Lady is warming up and has sung in the Four Lakes area. There’s been iceboat racing in Finland and on Lake Baikal in Siberia the past week. Thunder Bay, always the spot for spring ice, is still hanging in there. Mike Madge reports the bay has “lots of ice but still needs a little Zamboni work for my liking. I am getting a little pickier on the ice conditions, as we have had such a great season.”
UPDATE: Chickawaukee Ice Boat Club’s Bill Bucholz says they “aren’t giving up yet!” Keep informed on their site for any spring ice sailing.
Spring sailing continues in the desert as several 4LIYC members (Jim Nordhaus, Wayne Schmedlin and his 2 grandsons, Geoff Sobering, Brad Wagner, and Lars Barber) made the trek to the cathedral of land sailing, Ivanpah, for the Blokart North Americans. We had one day of racing on Sunday, but 75 mph wind gusts and a dangerous dust storm kept us off the race course on Monday. I’ll be heading out to the play soon, dressed in warm iceboating gear because it’s in the 30s here this morning. Follow along on the NABSA Facebook page.Results here.
Brad Wagner gets a push during the Enduro Relay Race on Saturday, April 1.
DNs race for the start at the All Saints Regatta in Rauna, Finland.
Just back from the beautiful country Finland only 70 km from the Arctic Circle where I attended the first regatta of the European season, the Johnny Kohler Cup and All Saints regatta. Will write more later after some catching up. In the meantime, here are some photos. More on the DN Finland website.
Inside a small red cottage with a traditional Finnish fire pit.
Reindeer rule the road in Finland. We had to always keep a sharp eye out for them as we drove to and from the site.
The sun sets early 70km from the Arctic Circle. Racing had to end by 2:30 PM.
Oscar Lindell changes sail battens in the parking lot.