Spaight St. Syndicate Update: Daniel 2.0

The Daniel 2.0
Daniel 2.0
If you are not smart like Pat Heppert, I would highly recommend getting yourself a Daniel 2.0. You see, Pat designed this slick sheeting system for our Mini Skeeters. Rather than pulling downward off the boom, our sheet runs underneath the deck, which allows us to trim with the full benefit of our legs and torso. Now Pat is plenty strong enough to sheet the traditional way, but his much older and weaker travel mate is a total wuss. The system was likely designed with this in mind, but Pat is too nice to say so. It also allows us to crouch down deep into the cockpit keeping our elbows in, reducing windage. Even Pat, with his superior musculature, can nearly disappear inside the cockpit.
My first attempted Mini build ended with my mast listing to leeward at about 30 degrees. I told everyone I was testing an on-the-fly adjustable stay system. I said it with such conviction that no one immediately pointed out that the Mini has a stay-less rig. Given the wreckage that was left on my deck, I doubt anyone bought it, but it was worth a try. I have made a living spinning tales for decades, so I just could not help myself. This configuration certainly was not fast!
The playa fact checkers uncovered that the spinmaster’s boat blew up on the second day of racing last May. Regatta Manager extraordinaire, Dennis Bassano, provided the “tow of shame” back to the pits, while interested parties gathered around to survey the wreckage. “That one’s not going to buff out,” one helpful observer offered. “Hardly a scratch I replied,” simultaneously wondering what I was going to do in the desert for the rest of the week? Fortunately, Ironman Renee Fields (for those not in-the-know, the adjective is gender neutral), graciously offered to withdraw from the Mini Class, to allow me to race Pete John’s spare boat. Renee routinely races in every class. Pete is still going fast nearing 90 years old. Two amazing people!
Truth-be-told, the builder was too much of a weight weenie, removing structure he considered unnecessary. Guess we all know how that turned out! Sorry John. Sorry Pat. In my defense, it worked for Senna. At least the hull was still in primer, so the eventual paint would hide my ineptitude.
Since I was performing major reconstructive surgery, I decided to move my ratchet block further forward underneath the deck. This, to give me more un-tapered mainsheet to clutch before reaching maximum block-to-block. And, to still have only the tapered sheet running through all eight blocks at race trim. If I were smart like Pat, I would have left a tracer line in my hull before closing it up. No matter how I attempted to contort my body, there was no way I could reach that far forward. And my access panel underneath, was not quite big enough. Enter Daniel 2.0. Dashel Daniel , my grandson. Among the greatest honors of my life, he was named after me.
Dash was happy to scurry into the cockpit abyss, skillfully rerouting my mainsheet through bulkhead bushings, around my ratchet block in the correct direction and back to my waiting hand. So, if you find yourself with a similar dilemma, let me know, and I will share contact info for his mom. Dash has yet to learn his marketable value, but rest assured he will. His “Pappy” (and his Dad) will see to that! For now, he is most satisfied to work for chocolate!