UPDATE: 2 4LIYC Racing Rules Proposals

Daniel Hearn and Pete Orlebeke line up to race their DNs on Lake Pepin at the 2019 Northwest. Photo: Pat Hepper
Angelo’s Italian Restaurant is open tonight so come on out to help us celebrate our 4LIYC sailors who brought home some “pots and pans” at the Northwest. Of special note are Tim McCormick who placed first in Renegades and Daniel Hearn who placed first in DNs and second in Renegades. See you all at 6:30!
Tonight is the deadline for By-Law or Racing Rules Amendment Submission. Submissions will be voted upon at the February 20 Annual Business Meeting.
UPDATE 1-24-2019: 2 proposals were submitted at the meeting of January 23, 2019
Racing Rules
Part III Race Management
C. Special Races
Add :
3. A Weekday Series may be sailed and scored for the DN, Renegade, Nite, and Skeeter fleets for races sailed on Lake Kegonsa, Lake Wingra, Lake Monona, or Lake Mendota for races taking place on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Weekday Series scores will not be included with weekend or holiday series scores.
Submitted by Deb Whitehorse
Racing Rules
Part III. Race Management
B Racing
Currently reads:
3. The club will sail a maximum of 8 races per fleet, per weekend, with 4 races per fleet on both Saturday and Sunday. Start time is 10:00 AM. Minimum of 3 boats per race. A lunch break should take place after the 2nd set of races on each day, but is at the discretion of the Race Committee. If a break is taken, the starting time for the next race shall be set and announced by the Race Committee prior to the break. (2/20/2002)
Change to:
3. The club will sail a maximum of 8 races per fleet, per weekend, with 4 races per fleet on both Saturday and Sunday. Start time is 10:00 AM. Minimum of 2 boats per race. A lunch break should take place after the 2nd set of races on each day, but is at the discretion of the Race Committee. If a break is taken, the starting time for the next race shall be set and announced by the Race Committee prior to the break.
Submitted by Ken Whitehorse