4LIYC DNer Jori Lenon has announced her retirement as our club’s trophy chair, a position she’s faithfully executed for 12 years, making her the longest serving trophy chair in the club’s history. Jori stepped up when previous trophy chair, the late Bill Korsgard, was unable to continue in the role. Besides keeping the trophies organized, Jori has often taken the lead in setting up our banquets. Jori, the 4LIYC can not thank you enough for all your efforts over these 12 years, but we’ll try anyway – thank you, Jori!
So that means the club in need of the next trophy chair. Please consider taking on this role. Jori will help make the transition an easy one. We’ll be discussing this at our next meeting on November 20, 2019 at Breakwater.
There’s a lot of laps around the marks in this group! From left: Skeeter sailors Bill Dale, Tom Hyslop, and Paul Krueger, Renegader Jack Ripp, Skeeter sailor Bill Mattison and Ken Whitehorse. Bottom row, Skeeter sailor Dave Nelson and Renegader Jerry Simon
How fitting that a spring snow storm arrived the same day as our April 27th Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club annual awards dinner, a reminder of the cold weather necessary for ice sailing. Highlights include 4LIYC Commodore Don Anderson’s induction into the 4LIYC Hall of Fame, aka the Honor Roll; an all star line up of seasoned veterans (see photo above) and an acknowledgement of appreciation for Nite class outgoing Commodore, Don Sanford who wore the hat for ten years. All credit for the event goes to Trophy and Banquet Chair, Jori Lenon for bringing everyone together. Thanks to Greg McCormick and John Hayashi for the photos.
Tim McCormick has tabulated the club scores to reflect last weekend’s racing. See results here.
Trophy Chair Jori Lenon has made arrangements for the club’s annual spring awards banquet to be held at Springer’s. Please save the date of April 21, 2018.
8Scott Goetz is the 2017 winner of the 4LIYC's James Payton Sportsmanship and Service Award.
7Donny Anderson accepts the Oetking Boat of the Year Award from Jori Lenon.
6Skeeter Champion and Walter Haspell Memorial winner Ken Whitehorse; Skeeter Second Place Tom Hyslop; DN Tune-Up and Holiday Champ Daniel Hearn, tied with Peter Orlebeke for the Holiday series; Renegade Champ Tim McCormick; Oetking Boat of the Year winner Donny Anderson sailing Anderson/Gary Sternberg renegade.
5Tim McCormick
3Tim McCormick adds to his trophy empire.
2Paul Krueger's A-Class Skeeter Ramblin' trophy by Harry Whitehorse awaits awarding.
1Excellent chicken and roast beef dinner by the Springers staff! Thanks Paul McMillan and Peter Fauerbach for organizing the banquet
The club had another successful banquet last April at Springer’s to close out the season. Thanks to Jori Lenon for the photos and captions!